Tag Archives: Case

Group By and Case Statements or Other SQL Functions

One thing I forget to do often is to include the actual item I’m returning in the Select Statement in the Group By. Meaning , if I use a case statement of some function to change the value that I’m returning, then I should include that and not the base column name in the Group By part of the select statement

If you write something like this and the Col2 has multiple 'Unique' Values
then you will get a row for each value distinct Col2 value that says 'Other'
,Case When [Col2] = 10 then 'Ten'
Else 'Other' End as [LameExample]
,Count(*) as CNT
FROM [dbo].[lameTableExample]
GROUP BY [Col1], [Col2]

-- This Example will return Only two rows

,Case When [Col2] = 10 then 'Ten'
Else 'Other' End as [LameExample]
,Count(*) as CNT
FROM [dbo].[lameTableExample]
, Case When [Col2] = 10 then 'Ten'
Else 'Other' End

Select Case has a simple overview of using CASE in a SQL Query with the SUM() function.