Tag Archives: store procedure

For Each … SQL System Stored Procedures

Sql server has some great built-in commands procs that can help you script server or database wide commands. sp_MSForEachTable and Sp_MSForEachDb

When first looking at a database , I sometimes like to run the following:
execute sp_MSforEachTable @command1=‘Print ”?”; Select Count(*) as [? – (count)] from ?;Select Top 10 * from ? ‘

I used the sp_MSforeachDB just the other day to set all the non-system
databases on a test server to Simple Recovery mode.Just made a quick stored procedure that I passed the ? value and filter out the system databases ( Master, Model, Tempdb and MSDB).

For More Information Checkout :

November 30, 2004
SQL Server Undocumented Stored Procedures sp_MSforeachtable and sp_MSforeachdb
By Gregory A. Larsen