Tag Archives: Text

Donate to the Red Cross(Updated)

The American Red Cross

Help Out.  Additional ways to support American Red Cross efforts can be found here:

American Red Cross Social Media


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From Code Project : .NET and SMS Messages

The Author PooranPrasad has compiles a concise article on setting up SMS messaging for applications.

Full article Here.

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Designing RedditRiver.com Website

Peteris Krumins walks you through a tutorial for the building of a plain text version of Reddit.com using Python. Great step-by step and how-to!

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16 Things You Can Do with SMS Text Messages

FROM allaboutduncan.com — So you ’ve got a phone and unlimited text messaging, but now what? There are tons of useful things you can do with SMS, if you only know how. If you want to use your cell phone to make your life easier, but don’t want to purchase a PDA phone or subscribe to a data plan, then these tips and tricks could be just what you’re looking for…

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UPDATE: a printable PDF with some of the tips here.