Category Archives: DBA - Page 3

Disk Space – Finding I/O Bottlenecks(SQLIO)

As a production DBA , I get to start diving into the internals of the SQL Server environment. Over the last year, we had an opportunity to ‘let loose’ on a new clustered environment with a dedicated SAN.  Zoom… Zoom…Zoom! It was like performing sea trials or a shakedown tour in a new ship. Much of the testing centered around the execution of existing SQL code and processes. We were able to set-up a series of tests using the  Microsoft ‘s  SQLIO Disk Subsystem Benchmark Tool to saturate the disk subsystems.

 The tool does not actually test your SQL Server configuration , but provides the means to script out and execute a controlled load against the disk subsystem. Scripts can be executed to create a variety of read and write operations. Parameters allow the load to use a variety of file sizes, number of threads, latency, outstanding requests in random or sequential reads/writes for specific durations.   I am not going to get into the specifics of the scripts we used. The links below provide a much better examples than I could tap out in this post.

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One important tool in managing disk space is to make sure the system accurately reports space used by tables.  DBCC UPDATEUSAGE will update the values returned by sp_spaceused.

The output of sp_spaceused “displays the number of rows, disk space reserved, and disk space used by a table, indexed view, or Service Broker queue in the current database, or displays the disk space reserved and used by the whole database.”  One thing to note when reviewing the output is you may see the the reserved size is disportionately larger than the data and index space used. The reserved space should always be greater, but in one case I did see > 20 GB of difference. The space reported by system can get out of whack (technical term) from repeated use of TRUNCATE statements and frequent DDL statements.

Excellent article on DBCC UPDATEUSAGE by Armando Prato.

Google search for DBCC UPDATEUSAGE.

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Query Plans and active query information

Quick script to see active processes and to grab the query plan. It leverages some DMVs to get the query text and plan. Only can be used on SQL 2005 and above. It is a great and light wight way to see what is going on with the server and performance tuning.

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Disk Space – Get table sizes

Below is a script  I use to determine table size.  Basically, it walks through the user databases and for each table.  The information is converted in GB. It’s a pretty simple use of MS sp_spaceused with sp_msforeachtable. More info on sp_spaceused.

Full script, below. Download script here.

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T-SQL Using Parameter Table like a Cursor

The Google gods seem to like a very old page of mine about using Cursors in T-SQL. So, from time to time I get commnets via email.  Thought I  would share an alternative to using cursors.

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Jeff’s SQL Server Blog – Proper Case UDF

Using My Favorite Tech Service –http://www.Google.Com.

I Found this Posting for a Proper case T-Sql User Defined Function on Jeff’s SQL Server Blog — Go to the post as it has an port to MySQL and a couple of other ‘ADVANCED’ examples in the comments.

From the original Blog :

I posted this one a long time ago and needed to use it today, so I thought I’d post it up here as well in case anyone finds it useful.  This simply attempts to capitalize the first letter of each word for the string passed in.  Use it to help clean up some pre-existing data, but don’t use it as a way of presenting your data that is stored improperly since it isn’t exact.�
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T-SQL – Change SQL Job Owners to SA

I’m a sucker for the Maint Wizards and everytime I touch a SQL Job.. It reverts the ownership to my domain account. ( Not a Good Practice to use my domain account … I know). I manually change the ownership back to sa (actually, dbo as sa is disabled…ssssh) . OR I CAN USE THE BELOW HANDY-DANDY SCRIPT . As always .. Buyer-Beware! Written for  SQL Server 2005..

Here is a script I wrote to do the heavy lifting:

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For Each … SQL System Stored Procedures

Sql server has some great built-in commands procs that can help you script server or database wide commands. sp_MSForEachTable and Sp_MSForEachDb

When first looking at a database , I sometimes like to run the following:
execute sp_MSforEachTable @command1=‘Print ”?”; Select Count(*) as [? – (count)] from ?;Select Top 10 * from ? ‘

I used the sp_MSforeachDB just the other day to set all the non-system
databases on a test server to Simple Recovery mode.Just made a quick stored procedure that I passed the ? value and filter out the system databases ( Master, Model, Tempdb and MSDB).

For More Information Checkout :

November 30, 2004
SQL Server Undocumented Stored Procedures sp_MSforeachtable and sp_MSforeachdb
By Gregory A. Larsen